The coverage of fractures is split across two presentations.
General Principles & Limb Fractures
The limb fractures presentation covers the following topics:
- General Fracture Concepts
- Description of Fracture Types
- Describing X-rays of Fractures
- Pelvic Fractures
- Soft Tissue Complications
- Missed Fractures
- Femoral Fractures
- Tibial Fractures
- Ankle Fractures
- Upper Limb Fractures
- Elbow Fractures
- Forearm Fractures
- Carpal Injuries
- Shoulder Dislocations
- Complications of Fractures
Spine Fractures
The spinal fractures presentation covers the following topics:
- Cervical Spine
- Standard C-Spine Views
- Cervical Lines
- Upper Cervical Spine Fractures
- Burst Fractures
- Fractures of the Dens
- Fractures of the Atlas
- Hangman’s Fractures
- Flexion Fractures
- Wedge and Tear-drop Fractures
- Fracture-dislocations
- Extension Fractures
- Soft Tissue Signs
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Atlanto-axial Injuries
- Thoracic Spine Fractures
- Normal Anatomy
- Wedge and Tear-drop Fractures
- Fracture-dislocations
- Lumbar Spine Fractures
- Classification of Spine Fractures
- Chance Fractures